Risen Church Nc

VICTORY: The Almost Generation - Numbers 13



Moses led the Children of Israel out of Egypt right up to the front door of the Promised Land. God led His people across the Red Sea, to Mt. Sinai, and to Canaan in only 18 months. Upon arriving, conquest and victory were not a matter of "if" but "when" and "how". So Moses sent spies into the land to see how they would take possession of it. Their report was glowing, as it was everything they had prayed for, dreamed of and waited for. However, the majority of the spies lost faith at the sight of the giants in the land. They allowed their potential enemies to overshadow their proven God. The challenge before them became bigger than the Savior above them. Alas, they would spent the next 40 years wandering in the desert in unbelief. They were so close. They *almost* took possession of the Promised Land. Decades later, upon Moses' passing, the next generation was given a second chance. God called Joshua to step up with courage and confidence and lead the people to finally take what was theirs. The contr