Risen Church Nc

VICTORY: Promised Land - Joshua 1:1-9



Our God is holy and perfect and holds Himself and His creation to the highest of standards. Yet in His holiness, He is also loving, willing to clean up a mess that He didn't make through His Redemption Plan. The LORD is a God of Victory and Salvation, working all things out for His Glory and our good. This is on display through His redemptive work with Israel. He called them His own, saved them from bondage, and gifted them with a Promised Land. However, Israel struggled to make their way into that land. Even upon reaching its borders, they were reluctant and pessimistic about their ability to enter in. Herein we get a glimpse of a struggle we all face. Often we stand on the edge of where we want to be and know we should be as children of God, accepting the lie that we'll never make it there. There are so many forces of deception at work in this world, trapping us in bondage. God's message to Joshua and his generation is that through His power, they could find the strength and the courage to overcome