Risen Church Nc

The Church: Surpassing Power - Acts 16



The narrative in Acts takes us into a brand new frontier, as Paul and his team move into Europe. It was because of their reliance on and sensitivity to the Holy Spirit that they were able to capitalize on this opportunity. Upon arrival to Greece, we see Paul encounter and win multiple people to Christ, all because of his responsiveness to God. Paul's eagerness is the gold standard for every generation's Christian and Church to mimic. He proved both available and malleable, willing and ready for God to take him wherever and do whatever with him so that he might win some to Christ. Paul doesn't waver at following Jesus' commands to prioritize His call and His mission above all else. How could Paul be so committed, even in the face of inconvenience and potential suffering? He was truly convinced that whatever loss would not compare to the surpassing gain in eternity. He believed that even the pressure or pain of suffering would be surpassed by the saving power of God. He began each day with the conviction th