Risen Church Nc

Your Word: Our Portion - Psalm 119:57-61



Psalm 119 does a remarkable job at lifting up God’s Word, mainly by telling us that it is the Greatest Resource available and accessible to us. We have more access to and supplements for God’s Word than any previous generation, yet we don’t lean on it enough. David’s writings in stanzas 3-8 make reveal how much more of a mistake that is, by telling us that God’s Word is our Greater Portion. By definition, a portion refers to a share or an inheritance. Our portion is our piece of the pie, if you will. God’s Word reveals to us all that we have all been assigned and awarded the same portion from God. All of the truths, promises, revelation and inspiration are given to every reader… to every believer. Sadly the majority of Christians just scratch the surface of what’s been given to us. By reading the Gospels, Jesus calls us to go deeper and wider with our faith. He by no means ever envisioned or endorsed a version of the Kingdom of God where only some believers arrive at their full inheritance. Yet, so many l