Risen Church Nc

Your Word: Breath of God - Psalm 119



Psalm 119 is a love-letter to God's Word. It's a remarkable work of art, utilizing the Hebrew language to express gratitude for God's revealed and inspired truth. Its purpose is to create within us a passion and desire for the Word, and increase our reliance on it. As a resource, the Bible is the greatest we can ever lay our hands on. Whether leather-bound or on a screen, the Bible is the Breath of God on a page. His Spirit moves from page to person, when we read with an open heart and mind. In this message, we discuss why we can trust the Bible as God's Word, and why indeed it is the greatest resource available to us. We unpack what it reveals about God and how it can inspire difference in our lives. There is an exclusive blessing for those who trust and obey God's Word. If we want our lives to be best, in every avenue imaginable, we will seek and follow the advice revealed in the Bible.