Risen Church Nc

The Church: A Better Belonging - Acts 14:1-7



Acts 14 is a major milestone and threshold in Church history. In our series and study so far in Acts, we've witnessed the lead-up to this pivotal moment. For years the church wrestled with their mandate to spread beyond Judea and begin welcoming Gentiles into their community. The church plant at Antioch finally made this a reality, and from Acts 13 onward, the Apostles set course to evangelize the known world. Alas as Acts 14 begins, Luke tells us that the Gospel was beginning to reach as many Gentiles as it was Jews. The chapter begins by telling us that BOTH a great multitude of Jews AND Greeks were trusting in Jesus. It's hard to overstate how huge this moment would have been. A spin-off of Judaism, led by Jews, preaching from Jewish Scriptures about the Jewish God was now making a sizable impact amongst an audience that had zero context for their message. This, of course is an obvious testament to the inclusiveness of the Gospel, but also an insight into how God's plans from the beginning. In this mes