Risen Church Nc

The Church: Game Face - Acts 13:13-52



In Acts 13, we witness Paul in his element: On the mission field doing whatever it takes to spread the Gospel. Right out of the gate, his team suffers a setback with the departure of John Mark. How Paul responds and presses on gives us a remarkable look at his passion and determination. In this message, we discuss our individual responsibility to carry out our obedience to the Lord, regardless of how well others may cooperate. Paul is an example of how we should not let others discourage us or keep us from obtaining our blessing from God. We discuss how the world wants to persuade us and how religion wants to burn us out, and how Christ keeps us focused forward. How hungry are we to follow the Lord and fulfill His plans for us? Are our lives proving to be unworthy of Eternal Life or are we showing ourselves to be appointed to Eternal Life?