Risen Church Nc

The Church: Kingdom Ambition - Acts 11-13



We are by nature an ambitious people. We set goals and make plans, and work diligently to accomplish and surpass them. As members of the Church and servants of a Higher Kingdom, we must consider how our ambitions for God compare to those for lesser things. Could it be that we are wasting energy meant for a greater purpose on things that will never be as fulfilling? As we study the Church at Antioch, among what stands out the most is their Kingdom Ambition. They were a community of God's people who were faithful in serving the Lord and impacting the world for His Glory. We know that from Antioch, the rest of the Greco-Roman world comes to hear about Jesus. God raised up Barnabas and Paul to start this global mission. However, this was after they had spent years serving Him in smaller, more obscure areas. Jesus taught that simple, every-day faithfulness to God will open doors for greater, sacred opportunities. Only when our ambitions are wired after God's Kingdom will we be able to bypass distractions and o