Risen Church Nc

Imago Dei: Image of the Beast - Revelation 12-13



The Book of Revelation is written to a world in a brand new reality. Yes, the world remains fallen, under sin's curse, but God had just sent His Son, established His church, and provided a cure for sin. Revelation wrestles with this new, dual reality that the world was waking up to. It was written to show the Church that there was a pathway to endure and overcome, thanks to its newfound hope. Whether it was John's generation, those that came in the aftermath, or today's Church - Revelation provides a relevant word from God about our struggle and our mission. In the text, Jesus introduces Himself to John as "the one who was, is, and is to come". This fittingly frames Revelation has having something to say to every generation which opens it up. Revelation shows us a picture of the world clutched in the Enemy's grasp, as he seeks to keep us in our fallen state. In this message, we hear God's sobering call over us all to identify the false hopes around us, and seek His help from above. May we not bow to th