Risen Church Nc

The Church: God's Way - Acts 11:1-18



After Peter takes a step into the unknown in the previous chapter, Acts 11 opens the doors on a brand new future for the Church. However, not all of the Jewish Church leaders are comfortable with this reality. Peter realizes that they stand at the precipice of a watershed moment for the Church, and doesn't back down at the rampant criticism that comes his way. He refuses to allow religion and nationalism to thwart this potential growth. Recounting his experience, which saw him overcome his own prejudice, arrogance and indifference, Peter passionately proclaims that he would never stand in God's way. The Church's health and growth was contingent on their obedience to the Great Commission, especially in how they loved and engaged those that seemed the farthest away from God. From here on, the Church would look and operate much differently than before, with a priority on reaching and welcoming people of all kinds, backgrounds and cultures. May we take Peter's words to heart, and ask ourselves the same questio