Risen Church Nc

Prayer: The Invitation - Matthew 6:13



Who/what leads you into temptation? Do you ever lead yourself into temptation? We all give into temptation and we often try to hide or even dismiss the ramifications of our choices. If we’re being honest though, we become more disappointed in ourselves and less satisfied with life every time we give in. Thankfully, following Jesus *leads us not* into temptation. Following Jesus means that we are choosing a Better Way. He calls us to a self-denying, cross-bearing Way, leading us to a life of love. A life of love is the opposite of a life of temptation, as it looks for ways to honor God and submit to others, before temptation gives us an inferior path to take. If we succumb to temptation, we cross the threshold to loss. But, following Jesus is the threshold to life. By following Him, we have abundant and full life, that shows us how we can do the greatest good for the greatest number of people and the Greater Kingdom of God. Committing to follow Jesus, allows us to avoid temptation and escape the danger that