Risen Church Nc

Prayer: Greater Gifts - Matthew 6:11-12



The middle of The Lord's Prayer is all about what we should ask for. Jesus tells us that we should ask for two very specific things, for gifts that God wants to give us. In this message we talk about how we should pray and trust God for both provisions and pardon. However, Jesus tells us to pray for just enough of this world's goods, while understanding that God's grace is so unlimited that we must extend it to others. At the heart of this template of prayer is a challenge to our flesh and natural instincts. By nature, we pray for God to give us unlimited supplies, while giving us limited to little accountability to others. Jesus turns this on its head, because our nature is trying to get in the way of us and God in the long run. This is meant to remind us that we need just enough of this world’s good to survive, but we need all of God’s goodness to thrive. So may we pray less for stuff, and trust God for just enough. May we more so pray that we might treasure the Greater Gift and that we might share it wi