Risen Church Nc

Telos: Heirs of God - John 1



Why did God become a man? If everything that ever has or ever will transpire is ultimately for God's Glory, then one would think that Palm Sunday answers this question. Of course God in flesh would come to rule and reign as King. However, Jesus' deference to the opportunity put before Him that day, shows that God's plans are so much purer and higher than ours. Yes, Jesus would be adorned with robe and crown later that week, but He would ascend to a cross not a throne. It was through this work, that Jesus would reveal God's loving heart to us. Jesus' entire ministry was all about revealing God as our Father, and making a way for us to live as His children. In this message, we talk about what it means to know God as Father, and to be restored to His image. Marvel with us as we consider what it means to be heirs of God and joint-heirs with Christ.