Risen Church Nc

Footsteps: Great Expectations - Mark 10



Throughout Jesus' three year ministry, it became clear that He indeed was from God. He demonstrated His power over the fallen world, and exerted His authority over the false hopes of the world. Many began to believe that He was the long awaited Messiah. His followers were convinced that the Messiah would set up an earthly kingdom that would bring them power and prosperity. When Jesus began His journey towards Jerusalem, they believed that this Kingdom was at hand... Along the way, Jesus' actions and sermons made His closest followers a bit uncomfortable. He began challenging their expectations about why He came and for what reason He was going to Jerusalem. Finally, Jesus decides to address His disciples, clarifying His purpose and correcting their motives. He was absolutely building a Kingdom. He was absolutely establishing a brand new Way of life for the world. However, this would not go how they expected it. Jesus came for something greater, and in Mark 10 He redefines what it means to be Great in the K