Risen Church Nc

The Church: Set Fee - Acts 9



Acts features no shortage of miracles, from the Holy Spirt breaking language barriers to disabled people being healed to prison walls falling down. However, the greatest miracle may very well take place in Acts 9. Luke introduces us to Saul of Tarsus as the one spearheading the persecution against the Church. In Acts 9, we see that he isn't about to allow the Church to regain momentum as it spreads beyond Judea. He is determined to follow the growth and put an end to the movement. Saul embodies the heart within every human, deceived by sin and dominated by a sinful nature. His only desire was to destroy the Church, out of what he thought was a service to God. He proved himself depraved at heart, worthy of condemnation. But God had other plans for Saul of Tarsus... We see what happens when the Light of Heaven shines on even the darkest heart. We see how even the greatest obstacle, the human will, can be overcome by the power of the Gospel. In this message, we have a theological conversation about just