Risen Church Nc

Telos: For the World - Ephesians 2:13-22



Why did God make us? As in, all of us. We believe we are each made for His glory, but are our lives meant to intersect? Currently there are some 7 billion humans on the planet, inhabiting nearly 200 nations, belonging to one of several hundred ethnic groups. The Bible teaches that all of us were made in God's image. Together we paint the full picture of God. His desire is that we all love Him, know Him and follow Him. This may sound impossible, but we can all make Him known. His commandment over us is that we validate and authenticate our love for Him by loving one another. The drift of humanity is to love only those near us or those like us. Our world today is more tribal and divided than ever, especially pertaining to race and ethnicity. Jesus Christ died to destroy this barrier, to cover us in His blood and make us one blood. Everyone is invited, and God's call over us is that we seek to be unity, cooperation and harmony with one another - For their Souls and for His Glory.