Risen Church Nc

The Church: Availability - Acts 8:9-25



Acts 8 is a pivot point for the Church. This is the moment the transition from local to global truly began. What began as a of safety-decision became a Gospel-decision. There would have been many temptations to remain in Jerusalem, but persecution forced them to remember their commission. The Disciples refused to let idols and idleness get in the way of Jesus and His mission. They remained available for God to use and work through. Their availability is contrasted in an encounter with one Simon of Samaria. Simon was a local magician, who was seeking to make his name great, hoping to capitalize on the power of God for his own gain. He assumes wrongly that the Disciples were working for their own fame. In this exchange, we are left with an impression of true discipleship and given an example to follow as we seek to serve the Lord.