Risen Church Nc

Telos: Overflow - Genesis 1:1-3



Welcome to our brand new, pre-Easter series that's centered around a question we've all asked at some point or another: “Why?” We’ve all asked this simple, yet broad question before. No matter to whom we may be directing the question, or even if we’re just asking it rhetorically, we’ve all questioned the reason and purpose for any given thing. As Christians, we believe that God is sovereign and is the Creator of life and all its details. We can rest assured that everything happens under His watch, but that doesn’t mean that we still don’t have questions. Filtering and funneling everything beneath God’s sovereign canopy does help produce a better question to ask though: Why did God create the world? More specifically, why did God create this world? Often times we ask “why” in exasperation and doubt that there is an attainable answer. However, the Bible gives us a pretty clear answer as to why God created this world. We often turn to Genesis 1 to learn "how" things came to be, but a deeper look at the text