Risen Church Nc

Loyal: The Rest of the Story - Ruth 3



Ruth's story is ultimately all about finding a place in God's Story, about her coming to belong and being included in God's Family. From the beginning, there's a sense of unrest in the world, and Ruth particularly is longing to find rest. Of course, this is what our faith is all about. The Gospel's invitation isn't for us to find improvement, but rather resurrection in Christ. To find rest is to find life. In Ruth 3:18, Ruth receives a promise that her Redeemer is restlessly pursuing rest for her. This message is all about how our Restless Redeemer went to extravagant measures to find rest for us. The barriers that block us from rest, and the contrary paths we naturally take, all are a result of our fallen world and sinful nature. The Bible tells the story of how God restlessly worked to finish this work of redemption. Christ's work on the cross and resurrection from the grave promises us that rest is available for all who turn and trust in Him.