Risen Church Nc

Covenant: Take This Cup - Jeremiah 25



God's Covenant with Judah was set to expire, due to their unfaithfulness. Turns out, this wasn't just a recent issue, but one that had been festering for nearly 500 years. God was about to place His people in timeout for a season, but He used this opportunity to send a more serious to the whole world. God showed Jeremiah a cup. This cup was overflowing with wine, symbolizing God's wrath due to all sin. God's wrath burned against sin's curse against humanity and damage being done to and through humanity. Humanity deserved judgement, yet God's mercy persisted. God desired better for us, yet our sin persisted. Sin had to be atoned for. Only God’s righteous wrath could properly judge and eliminate sin. But if every sinner was made to drink the cup shown to Jeremiah, there would be no human left standing. Enter Jesus Christ. He preached that both salvation and judgement were imminent. One night as Jesus prayed, He heard Jeremiah 25:15 echo through time, "Take this cup of wine of wrath, and drink it... drink a