Risen Church Nc

The Church: Guilty - Acts 4:1-22



Jesus often talked about the cost that would be associated with following Him. He prepped His followers for the trial that would be ahead of them, foreshadowing the events of Acts. In Acts 4, the Disciples faced trial before the very authorities that had sentenced Jesus to death. Like Jesus, they did so with an absolute fearlessness. Peter's remarkable defense reveals the power of their faith. They may have been condemned by law, ostracized by culture, and pitied by society, but they were saved by God. Peter and John were glad to be counted guilty by the world for their association with Jesus. They boldly proclaim that they would continue to serve Him no matter the cost. They would defy any law if necessary. However, perhaps their greatest testimony is that they were willing to defy their own wills in order to honor God's. They had counted the cost, and deemed the greater risk would be to miss out on God's work.