Risen Church Nc

Through Their Eyes Vol. II: Liberty Loves - Acts 5:29



We all know what liberty allows, but we must always ask “what does love require?" If we don’t “know” what liberty allows, we are always looking for what we have the “right” to do... but what a difference Christians could make if we were more/most concerned about what love *required*, even if it meant laying our liberty down. This is *the* basis for Christianity. In the Gospels, we see Jesus weigh His options: His liberty *as GOD* vs His love *for us*. This is what drove the early church and what changed the world, and what can always change the world. Peter, Stephen, and Paul all would follow suit and model this way. In this divisive and hostile time, it would do us all well to consider this. We know What Liberty allows, but we must always ask what does love require?