Risen Church Nc

Today Matters - Philippians 1



The Church at Philippi was concerned that the trials and trouble that the Apostle Paul was facing would be too great for him. They were worried that his faith would fail. Who could blame them for worrying? Who could blame Paul if he did lose heart? Paul wrote back however with a word that continues to bring hope and encouragement to every generation that faces trials and hardships. Whether these battles be internal or external, Philippians 1 invites us to lift up our eyes to the God who is greater than whatever we are facing. Paul teaches us that every believer has access to the full measure of God’s grace and peace, so that we could find endurance and assurance from God. We’re reminded that we are members of God’s Church, partners with Him on a mission to show His glory to the whole world. We’re told that what God has started, He will finish. We’re promised that what we face is actually an opportunity to advance God’s mission and grow in Christ. If only we would cling to these truths today. If only we