Energy Awareness Training With Glenn Ackerman

Ricky Royal and the Power of Masculine Energy



The Glenn Ackerman Podcast | Episode II | Ricky Royal and the Power of Masculine Energy   Masculine and feminine energy have nothing to do with gender, we all have both energies within us. The masculine and the feminine energies are like the poles of a magnet.    The power of masculine energy is independent and analytical, representing our left brain.  When masculine energy is appropriately used, it is creative, practical, and visionary. When masculine energy is misused, it can end in ego, anger, resentment, and have inner conflict. Learn how to use your masculine energy to create the life you want.  Glenn Ackerman is a Spiritual Coach and Energy Healer who has created a revolutionary method to heal the world.  If you are interested in his online courses or Inner Circle Program click the link below to chat with a member of the team:   Glenn Ackerman YOUTUBE:  Glenn Ackerman INSTAGRAM:  Glenn