3 Books With Neil Pasricha

Chapter 86: My two-year-old son on whimsical wonderings and wandering Waldos



Do you ever feel book guilt?   Do you ever feel book shame?   Do you ever feel bad when you quit a book?   Do you ever feel like the books you read aren’t ‘hard’ enough?   These are common feelings that I know I’ve had. I say we need to get rid of all the book shame and book guilt we learn as we grow up because there really is no right or wrong way to read. We need to escape the book exhaustion that can come with endless Shakespeare, mandatory classics, and piles of textbooks.   We need to tell kids that they can read whatever they want to read.   Picture books! Comic books! Young Adult!   Whatever.   Just follow your joy and keep the books coming.   I partly started 3 Books as a way to keep stoking the flames for that pure love of reading books.   For most of my adult life, I lost my love of reading. Loved books as a child! And yet somehow by my late 20s I had almost completely stopped reading books. What was it? I’m not sure if it was too many dry textbooks, the endless addiction of social media feed, or th