Harvest: Greg Laurie Audio

Better Together | Sunday Message



 As “connected” as we are through technology, we still experience loneliness and a need to belong. And there’s a lot we can learn from a biblical concept called koinonia. In this Sunday morning episode, Pastor Greg Laurie reminds us, “We need God, and we need each other.” Discover why in the newest message in Pastor Greg’s series, The Upside Down Life. Notes We need God, and we need each other. “As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.” —Proverbs 27:17 The church is a place to find relationships, encouragement, and perspective.  1. They were a learning church. It’s not only strong preaching we need, but also strong listening.  2. They were a loving church.  The Lord likes it when we talk about Him to other people.  The Lord listened and heard means “to prick the ear,” “to bend down,” “to not miss a single word.” The stronger your vertical fellowship is the stronger your horizontal fellowship will be. The first century church looked out for each other. You have been blessed to be a bl