Reverse Podcast

Episode 77 | Brenton and Bryant • Reverse Podcast Masterclass



In episode 77, Brenton and Bryant discuss the vision for the upcoming, first ever, Reverse Podcast Masterclass. This marks new territory for the Reverse Podcast team as they bring their first live event to Evangel University in Springfield, MO. The event is open to the public and will be held from 11am CST to 1pm CST followed by a Q&A session.  The featured guest is songwriter, producer, and author Matt Bronleewe. Matt will be sharing his story for the live audience as well as giving some insight into the Nashville music industry and what it means to be successful as a creative.  This event is FREE and open to the public, so join us on April 21st in Springfield! ⏪ Help us spread the word by sharing our upcoming posts on social media!