Redstone Diaries's Podcast

WoD: Morningstar Goes to the Library



Sorry again for tardiness. Got distracted with work and then Ant-man and the Wasp. I’ll talk about that next time. It made me feel things and now I’m weeping openly. Enjoy this episode and I got confirmations, next week’s episode some friends are coming over and we’re going to play and review M19. The upcoming installment of Magic the Gathering available 07/13/18. Justin: Game Operational Director Tim Flood: Host, James Morningstar Kaleb: Chad Thaddeus You can contact us at, on Facebook and Twitter @RedstoneDiaries. Or you can leave a text message or voicemail at the Shed hotline 801-900-3154. Theme music provided by Remedial M-Theory. Remedial M-Theory is the work of J Sargent operating out of Richfield Utah. And can be found at or and @theJsarge on twitter ©️2004 White Wolf Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction without the written permission of the publisher is expressly forbidden, except for the purposes of reviews, and