Mindful Expat, With Dana Nelson, Ph.d.

ME26: Bonne Rentrée! Turning Over a New Leaf This Fall



What you’ll hear in this episode: • I'll introduce you to the concept of the "rentrée" in France (basically back-to-school but for adults and kids alike!). • We'll discuss how this time of year can be an opportunity to take stock of what we have accomplished and learned in the past year and set our intentions for the year to come. • I will provide you with some tips for how to begin to build habits in the service of your goals so that you can continue to make progress throughout the year on the things that are most important to you.  Resources mentioned in this episode: • For those of you currently focused on helping kids make a transition to a new school (possibly in a new country), be sure to go back an listen to my conversation with Kate Berger from the Expat Kids Club in episode 22, where we talk about how parents can support their kids through relocation.  • In talking about how we can take care of our future selves, I mentioned a funny episode of the show Seinfeld with "Night Guy" and "Morning Guy." Wh