Mindful Expat, With Dana Nelson, Ph.d.

ME11: Embracing Change & Going With the Flow



What you’ll learn in this episode: • How change is an inevitable part of our lives -- especially when we're living abroad -- and how accepting and even embracing change (rather than resisting it) can allow us to be happier. • Some tips for learning how to accept and embrace change in your life -- including practicing being fully present, recognizing that this too shall pass, welcoming change (or relaxing into it), practicing gratitude, and practicing self-compassion. Resources mentioned in this episode: • To learn more about mindfulness, check out episode 3 and episode 7 of Mindful Expat, where we explored this concept in more depth. • I mentioned Brené Brown and her book, Daring Greatly. To see a list of several other books that she's written that I think are fantastic, go here. Stay in Touch! To make sure you don’t miss future episodes of Mindful Expat, you can subscribe to the podcast through iTunes, Stitcher, or your favorite podcasting app. To receive monthly summaries of podcast episodes and stay up to