Mobile Home Park Investors With Jefferson Lilly & Brad Johnson

EP111: Book Report: Am I Being Too Subtle? by Sam Zell (Part 3 of 3)



Welcome to Episode 111 of the Mobile Home Park Investors podcast, hosted by Jefferson Lilly and Brad Johnson, with the Park Street Partners. In this last and final installment, Jefferson wraps up his book report on Am I Being Too Subtle? by Sam Zell. Sam has made over a billion dollars in smart investments in industries such as real estate, energy, manufacturing, healthcare, and more. Jefferson was curious to read Sam’s book for his real estate and mobile home knowledge and shares what he has learned in this 3-part series.   Key Takeaways: [1:05] Sam noticed that young people were delaying marriage in the early 2000’s and staying in ‘24-hour cities.’ So, he redistributed his capital. [4:15] In 2006, Sam bought the Chicago Tribune newspaper and gave his staff skin in the game. [6:20] Sam believes in globalization and has increased his international investments over the years. [7:20] However, Sam is not a fan of Europe due to too many pensioners, which he predicts would mean for higher taxes. [10:40] How was Sa