Mobile Home Park Investors With Jefferson Lilly & Brad Johnson

EP028: To Accept Or Not to Accept Section 8?



Welcome to episode 28 of the Park Street Partners’ Mobile Home Park Investors podcast, hosted by Jefferson Lilly, as Brad Johnson is off this week. This episode is quick but informative. We get a lot of questions, at Park Street Partners, about whether Section 8 is something that people should accept. In a nutshell, the answer is that it varies, based on where your mobile home park is. Listen in to find out if it makes sense for you to accept Section 8.        Key Takeaways: [1:13] Jefferson has been accepting Section 8 vouchers for ~ 7 years, in Oklahoma, and it’s worked out quite well. Find out why! [2:23] Jefferson has heard that section 8 tenants are really rough in the Southeast. [2:50] Great tips on whether it makes sense for you to accept section 8, but don’t rule it out. [4:28] Quick little tidbit on the H.R. 3700 legislation. Find out what the significance of this legislation is in relation to Section 8.  [6:34] Jefferson speaks on his experiences for those who may actually start accepting Section 8.