Mobile Home Park Investors With Jefferson Lilly & Brad Johnson

EP026: Interview: Real Estate Investor and Educator, Dyches Boddiford – Part 1



Welcome to episode 26 of the Park Street Partners’ Mobile Home Park Investors podcast, hosted by Jefferson Lilly and Brad Johnson. Real estate investor and educator, Dyches Boddiford, shares his wealth of knowledge with Jefferson and Brad in a two part interview. Listen to part one to hear about buying real estate (including mobile home parks), how to protect that real estate by using land trusts and personal property trusts, how to form entities properly, how to protect your assets, and more. Make sure to listen to the second part of the interview next week, to discover ways to own real estate that are more tax-advantaged such as using a self-directed IRA or an educational savings account, and more.       Key Takeaways: [2:09] Interview with Dyches Boddiford, real estate investor and educator. [4:21] Find out why Dyches saw mobile home parks as an investment opportunity back in the 80’s.  [5:22] Land trusts, liability protection, and 3 types of statutory entities: LLCs that hold the land, LLCs that hold the