Mobile Home Park Investors With Jefferson Lilly & Brad Johnson

EP011: Part 2 - What to Do Over the First 30 Days of Owning Your Mobile Home Park



Welcome to episode 11 of the Mobile Home Park Investors podcast, hosted by Jefferson Lilly and Brad Johnson, with Park Street Partners. This is part 2 of 3 episodes where Jefferson and Brad discuss what you should do over the first 30 days that you own your park. Following up on last week’s cliff hanger, today’s episode will cover advice on setting up your park’s website, marketing and advertising, and installing or managing your park’s water meters.     Key Takeaways: [1:28] You can easily set up your property’s website using Square Space or Wix. [3:44] Square Space has some cool analytics that show traffic volume. [4:20] What are the key things to put up on your website?  [6:58] You can advertise across various sources such as Zillow, Craigslist, and Trulia. [8:48] Include your URL in the medium you advertise in. [11:32] Make sure to get new signage for your park. [13:56] Jefferson discusses details and importance of installing a water meter in your park.  [19:13] Don’t try to make a profit on the water. [2