Mobile Home Park Investors With Jefferson Lilly & Brad Johnson

EP003: Demographic trends - stable and growing need for affordable housing



On this podcast, Jefferson Lilly and his partner Brad Johnson will focus on answering the question, why someone would want to own a mobile home park now? In particular, they are going to talk about the demographics of their tenant base, the need for affordable housing they are trying to fill and helping others to do the same – who might be listening to this podcast and thinking about getting into the mobile home park business!   Key Takeaways: [1:27] Baby boomers are coming into retirement and they need affordable housing! [3:43] Our average price point per month matches many retirees’ budget for housing. [4:26] The mobile home park industry can help folks in need, specially seniors, get into a house they're actually going to own. [4:41] There is an affordable housing crisis in America. [5:34] An affordable, safe community for those that don't have capacity in their budget to pay more for housing. [5:53] Path to home ownership for lower income individuals, seniors, and younger people in their 20’s getting mar