Today's Business Leaders With Gabe Arnold

TBL Episode 23: Start with a Plan and Spare Nothing



Gary and James of Team IBB make their second appearance on Today’s Business Leaders for more fun, good conversation and actionable advice. Listen to their first appearance on the show and check out the rest of the episodes to pick up more tips and inspiring entrepreneurial stories. Becoming Entrepreneurs James never intended to become an entrepreneur, but he got his start while working to promote his band and selling tickets to shows. He learned that to be successful, it is necessary to be passionate about what he is selling. Later, his education set him on the course to become an entrepreneur, and when he met Gary through a mutual friend, things began to fall into place. Benefits of Teamwork Every individual has different strengths and weaknesses, and a well-structured team gives members the chance to do the things they are good at. As Team IBB has grown and Gary and James have expanded the company, they make certain to allow each team member to become experts in what they do. Having a dedicated profession