Bri Books

How to Create the Perfect Relaxation Routine



It’s finally fall! Time to bring out your inner cozy girl and build your relaxation routine. In this episode, I’m sharing my relaxation rituals and tips on how to build a routine of your own, along with my go-to relaxation techniques for stress management. What’s a Relaxation and Stress Management Routine? Your relaxation routine is whatever you want it to be. Maybe it’s an hour per day spent in your own company or a weekend per month off the grid. Basically, whatever helps you turn off one part of your mind and dial into another, that’s the cornerstone of your relaxation practice. Here are 5 ways to build a relaxation routine all your own: 2:25 - Be intentional and selfish about your energy and routine. Plan for it! Take a moment and look ahead on your calendar to set aside dedicated time to practice your relaxation routine. By being selfish with your energy and being intentional about taking your relaxation routine seriously, it’s easier to get back on the horse if you fall off. 3:35 - Romanticize your