Wise Traditions

332: Sunlight: The Greatest Multivitamin



For decades we've been told to put on sunscreen, wear sunglasses, and avoid the mid-day sun. But what if this advice is actually the OPPOSITE of what we should do? Matt Maruca, of Ra Optics, says we need to discard this paradigm and embrace the sun! He explains that sunlight is critical for optimal cellular function. He calls sunlight “the greatest multivitamin ever,” since each wavelength of the sun’s rays benefits the body. On this podcast, Matt tells his story of how he got into exploring the benefits of the sun in the first place (hint: he suffered from headaches, allergies, gut issues, and more), and he dives into exactly how sunlight helps our bodies work optimally. He also describes his "Light Diet" and offers simple steps we can take to avoid junk light and soak up the sun. Visit Matt's website for more on the "Light Diet" and other resources: raoptics.com Sign up for our upcoming Oct. 2nd Polyface event! Register for our Wise Traditions conference! Check out our sponsors: Cold Plunge and Primal Past