Risen Church Nc

Church Age: Fading Flame - Revelation 2



Revelation identifies the Local Church as a candle placed by God to light up a dark world. Jesus' critique of the first few churches is most concerned with each church's ministry and mission. In this message, we consider the calloused church at Ephesus, the compromised church at Pergamum, and the causal church at Thyatira, and hear God's call to repentance. These churches all share a common issue: Their passion for and commitment to Jesus had faded away. As a result, their light had began to dim. Ephesus had drifted away from a relationship into religion. Pergamum and Thyatira seemed to be people of worship, but lacked a true witness and walk with God. Ephesus was all about truth, yet lacked a true heart for God. Pergamum and Thyatira appeared faithful in service, but lacked a faithful lifestyle. These churches remind us that what matters most is knowing Jesus in a personal way. We learn that our church membership is only as effective as our relationship with Christ. Jesus promises that He can heal our ca