Wellness Weight And Wisdom With Lisa M Pepe

Your Body Your Health



It's your responsibility to take care of your own health, not someone else's,...  No other person can get inside of your body and take care of it for you Telling someone else that they're in charge of your health is irresponsible Helping someone make healthier choices is good, but don't try to force or coerce them Putting your health solely in the hands of others takes away your power and sovereignty Another person cannot make you do healthier things or be held responsible for your health Listen to your own inner voice and guidance and don't hold others responsible It is detrimental when others try to make someone do something that could harm them Each person has control of what they put in their body and you must begin within yours If I put not so good things in my body, I have no right to tell another what to put in theirs Protect yourself as you see fit, but try to refrain from telling others they have to do the same If you do things that "protect" you then you don't need to worry about everyone else, rig