Taste For Truth - Weight Loss Encouragement

Transition Eating: What It is and How to Stop with Linda



Do you ever find yourself struggling with your eating boundaries when your normal routine is interrupted? Do you find it difficult to get back to "real life" after coming back from a vacation or a holiday? If so, you'll want to listen to today's episode of the Taste for Truth podcast. I get to talk with Linda, who is a school teacher, about the challenges she faces with her eating during those transitional times in her life. Types of Transitions We Talk About on the Podcast - when plans change suddenly - from summer break to school or school to summer - from vacation to real life or from real life to vacation - from weight loss to maintenance. We didn't talk about transitions from one task to another on this podcast, but I find that's another common time for us to break boundaries. For this type of transition, the first step is to be aware of it. It's often caused by procrastination. We don't want to switch to the next activity so we procrastinate. And we often eat to procrastinate! This type of transition ea