Eclectic Kettle -

“Sound and Vision”



With the last Kettle in the can, we continue our December retrospective with a re-run of January 2016's Bowie spectacular, with special guest host Tom Coates in the studio with Ben. A week after Bowie's death, we pulled together a playlist of covers, collaborations, rarities and chatter. As an artist he meant an awful lot to both of us, so it was a really emotionally satisfying show to put together, and for me was a watershed recording in inspiring me to start taking the show more seriously and consider more about the potential of community radio.A reminder that is still running our winter fundraiser, so swing by for info! And, prepare for January when I'll be back with the brand new show No Magic — see for details; subscribe to the podcast and follow @nomagicradio on social media. Thanks!Tom very helpfully live-Tweeted this show, so follow along with the directors' commentary:Kettle: Sound and Vision Enjoying the show? Please support BFF.FM with a donation. Playlist