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Crossover with Tablet’s Unorthodox: How the Jews Went Right in Britain



This special podcast collaboration with Tablet’s Unorthodox unpacks the political shift of British Jews in the wake of Jeremy Corbyn’s antisemitic scandal-filled five-year tenure as Labour party leader. This live podcast is hosted by Liel Leibovitz of Tablet’s Unorthodox and Manya Brachear Pashman of AJC’s People of the Pod, and features comedian and author of Jews Don’t Count David Baddiel; Lecturer in Sociology at Goldsmiths University of London and author of Contemporary Left Antisemitism David Hirsh; Man Booker Prize novelist and journalist Howard Jacobson; and Research Fellow at International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation and former Union of Jewish Students president Hannah Rose. Did the Corbynization of the Labour party move Jews to the right or leave them politically homeless? Has current party leader Keir Starmer been able to regain the confidence of the country’s Jewish population? Listen for answers to these pressing questions and more. Episode Lineup: (0:40) David Baddiel, David Hirsch, H