Risen Church Nc

Church Age: Reformation - Revelation 4



After addressing several churches with a call to repentance, and a message of renewal and reform, John is called up to Heaven. His experience is meant to invite every believer to understand the bigger picture and adopt a new perspective for their lives. Catching a glimpse of Heaven and seeing our eternal destination, compels us to take even more seriously and sacredly the mission that God has given us. He has called us lights of our world and ambassadors of His Kingdom. How blessed we are to have been given such a role! In Heaven, John sees that the scene is one of constant praise and worship around Jesus. He alone is worthy of all the glory, honor and fame. This begs the question - Are our lives proclaiming and pointing to His worth? Or are we carrying water for lesser beings and smaller matters? In this message, we consider the worth of our Lord and Savior, and hear His call for reform and renewal once more. How urgent it is that we examine our lives and filter every choice we make through who's worth we