Listen Up!

Listen Up! #14 Rocket Surgery



Hello All,Arthur coming in loud and clear to launch this weeks episode of Listen Up!We have Rocket Surgery this week. These guys are in my opinion one of the most unique, fun, and talented bands.  Oh and their music is good too. ^_^ So, good in fact that they their song "Time" is being featured in the upcoming movie "Smoking Laws".They also proved to be a very interesting interview.  In today's episode we even left the realm of music for a bit and went to computer world. Does this mean I going to compete with or Digg....NO! I think I'll stay in the music land it's a safer place. Now as always I know that you all will want to catch out more of Rocket Surgery work so behold the links to zee myspace page, and their website. Make sure you go and see them live as well. You won't be disappointed.The show is brought to you by Wrecordsbymonkey.  I would also like to thank Adhocart allowing me to host the show at their gallery.Until next time,This is Arthur in Space..Space...Space...Space...SpaceListenupcast@g