Listen Up!

Listen Up! #12 You Am I



Hello All, Arthur here once more.  On today's show we have a band from the beautiful land of Australia You Am I. This is one of my biggest and best shows so please give it a listen to.  I would like to thank Tim, Andy, Davey, and Rusty for everything. Also, I would to thank all the fans on the forums and Punkarella - the official You am I mailing list for all the questions I received.  I put a treat at the end of the podcast for you all. Enjoy! Today's photo is by Dave Rubin please check out his website. As always the show is bought to you by Wrecordsbymonkey. I'm seem to be out of bad jokes this week but don't worry I'm sure it won't last. Remember you can subscribe to the show on itunes. Just click the orange itunes button on the sidebar. Until next week, Arthur ( The Last Gunslinger in Town)