Listen Up!

Listen Up! #6 Radio*America Attacks



Listen Up! powers activate form of Arthur! Shape of Podcast!Hello All,Arthur here once again and this time I got a band for you that's so good I went to the wasteland that is Queens to interview them.  Radio*America is here and they're going to make you rock out to there music. (Even if you can't pronounce the names of their songs like your host.) You can check out more of there music and views of the world at and, go and give them a listen to. If you don't well... I'm not to suppose to say anything but I hear these guys are dangerous. They might hunt you down and kill you or worst make you watch Spice World! Hurry and listen to show before it's to late.The show is brought to you once again by Wrecordsbymonkey. Please go and check their site because it will give you seven years of good luck. (This statement in not endorsed in any way by Arthur or Monkey believe at your own risk.) Until Next Week,Arthur