CGM Digital Network Megafeed

Episode 12 – Engage!



Hosts - Dan, Bryan, Mack, Tyler, Steve Topic - In this episode, we discuss ways to keep your game group engaged when there has been a significant change in scheduling,and we answer(?) a listener email. (:44) On our horizon (11:19) Game savers (21:03) EMAIL!!     Media-    D&D Next playtest Metagamers Anonymous Heroes of Newerth League of Legends TMNT 2 (IMDb) IDW Publishing Lasagna Quattro Formaggi Obsidian Portal Happy Jack's RPG Podcast Savage Worlds Martha Stewart tv movie (IMDb) Star Wars Saga Edition Traveller (Mongoose) GURPS Prime Directive RPG Rogue Trader Battle Fleet Gothic Spelljammer (apparently, people still play this) Hackmaster Scumbag Shang Tsung Mack Supported Shai-Hulud (Wikipedia) Notes - Because of a pressing schedule, a late start, and tangential (yet substantive) discussions, we did not quite make it to to our topic in this episode.  Stay tuned...the Sci Fi episode is coming!