CGM Digital Network Megafeed

Episode 8 – The Truth About Fantasy and Magic



Hosts - Dan, Bryan, Tyler, Steve , Mack Topic - We discuss the uses of settings in your campaigns, list a few fantasy tropes, and outline the different types of fantasy settings.  This episode also contains a break down of different types of magic and ways to portray them in your games. (:34) Changes we are making (2:31) A little about settings in general (3:10) The truth about truths (8:27) Fantasy trappings and tropes (14:44) Fantasy variations (39:49) What does magic mean to your world? (43:02) Variations in magic systems Media - The Game Of Thrones The Princess Bride (IMDb) Robin Hood, Prince of Thieves (IMDb) The Crow (IMDb) Pirates of the Caribbean (IMDb) Willow (IMDb) Conan the Barbarian(Wikipedia) The Dresden Files R. A. Salvatore John Carter of Mars Harry Potter Futhark Runes Skyrim (wiki) Full Metal Alchemist (IMDb) The Legend of Korra Notes - is changing it's look soon, We will be needing art.  We prefer to use art from the members of our community.  A formal announcement will