D&d In Big D

Gulgo 13 (Part 1) - A Christian Eichhorn 1-Shot



Christian Eichhorn (Twitter @squirrelgolem ) created a 1-shot adventure and needed some playtesters.  He contacted Jordan from Modified Roll (Twitter @WishIwasaBard ), Andrea (Twitter @CaffinatedStory ), and Dungeon Meister Zee (Twitter @StuntmonkeyZee) as his personal crash test dummies!The adventure is titled Gulgo 13 and is set in the realm of Eberron.  And since we're leaving Mr. Eichhorn in charge of everything, we have no idea where the story will go but we can guarantee that it will be a fun journey!For more published works of Christian Eichhorn, check out this link:https://www.dmsguild.com/browse.php/?author=Christian%20Eichhorn --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/dndinbigd/support